Tuesday, August 9, 2011

mummer's dance

For all of the metal and techno that i listen to,
all of the noise that i fill my life with sometimes...
is what lives inside of me.
I feel it pull from the center of my being ~

The indefinable pull towards a home unknown still.

I feel the wind drag against me, I smell the water in the air~

I hear the sounds of the leaves and the rocks as I walk through them and

see the textures in the layers of the land and sky around me.

Somewhere inside, this home lives and it calls to me daily.

I have dreams full of the searching, looking through all the streets, woods,

alleys and homes that I come across, waiting to see if the feeling is right...

Someday, I pray, I will find it. And I will know. Because it will be home to me.

But I can tell you, it feels like this song. So for now, I will live in this.

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