Thursday, November 8, 2012

a thought.
This allegory always comes to mind when I am in a situation that is likely to be a repeat performance. I agree that without awareness and work, we all tend to follow a certain path of behavior. But I also believe that WITH awareness and work, we can change, control, our reactions and actions. Sometimes, I am the frog. Sometimes, I am the scorpion. Almost always, an observer.
Point is, no matter what situation we're in, no matter what we feel instinctively to do, we can make a choice and take control. It isn't easy to break the rut, I totally know that one. I have to work on it all the time, gets exhausting sometimes! But it's generally worth it. 
Attributed to Aesop, this is a condensed version:

Now, I'm going to tell you about a scorpion. This scorpion wanted to cross a river, so he asked a frog to carry him. 

"No," said the frog, "no thank you. If I let you on my back you may sting me, and the sting of the scorpion is death."

"Now where," asked the scorpion, "is the logic of that?" for scorpions would try to be logical. "If I sting you, you will die, I will drown." 

So the frog was convinced to allow the scorpion on his back. But, just in the middle of the river, he felt a terrible pain and realized that, after all, the scorpion had stung him. 

"Logic!" cried the dying frog as he started under, taking the scorpion down with him. "There is no logic in this!" 

"I know," said the scorpion, "but I can't help it. It's my character.

New Day For You
(doesn't completely apply, but there's no bad reason for Basia, ever. It's always good)

Hello again it's me 

Your shoulder's where I sit
The half nobody sees,

of a silent partnership
I am here your help at hand

I'm never far away
A clear view from where I stand
I'll be there if you need me 

I am your helping hand
My words you've heard them all before
It's only for the sake of love

It's gonna be a new day for you
A new day for you
The stars have played their part
The past is gone and done
Have more faith in love
The best is yet to come

So what is this I hear? 

You deserve a break 

Take time to think it out
Don't make a new mistake
I am here, your help at hand

It's gonna be a new day for you
A new day for you,new day for you,new day for you
The stars have played their part
The past is gone and done
Have more faith in love
The best is yet to come

My words you've heard them all before
It's only for the sake of love

The stars have played their part
The past is gone and done
Have more faith in love
The best is 

It's gonna be a new day for you
A new day for you,new day for you,new day for you
It's gonna be a new day for you
A new day for you,new day for you,new day for you

Hello again it's me

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