A beautiful morning.
I took the time last night to just sit and talk, and listen, with a dear friend...probably my bestffriend, about stuff and life. She is standing half through a door that I've spent time in before, and I see much of her path ahead. I know that, like a child, there isn't the belief that anyoneelse can know...I remember that feeling as well. I gave my perspective, regrets, and tried to describe what a few of the roadmarks ahead will look like. I made no judgements, no warnings, no advice. Life journeys like this must be traveled to be learned.I can see ahead for her, I always can when I care, and that's all I tried to show.
It unsettles people sometimes, to be spoken to from the heart without the expected turns ofaadvice or parameters. She kept waiting for the conversation shoe to drop, kept challenging me to debate the moralities, even knowing me as well as she does. I think that perhaps she was seeking comfort in that. Truth is, in this, there is no comfort. No easy way of choice. It's all big, and it's the biggest one of her life. She's ok right now. I won't let her fall off the cliff. But knowing her as I do, she will insist on dangling as close off the ledge as she can.
Why bring it up...
She asked me if I knew what I was looking for, in life, in love. And with one lovely drink in me, a quiet night around me, and my room full of memories, I was able to answer her quite simply and clearly.
And in that quiet moment I quit fighting the past that reared up in me this week. I accepted the apology just as it is. I felt the fire sear through the wound and I know it is sealed. I'm glad for that.
Onward. Always onward.
Life is good.
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