Thursday, October 31, 2013
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Shadows and light
Shadows. Such interesting things. The disruption of light and distortion of reality.
There are lessons there. Different ones for everyone.
Face the light. See what's real. The shadows are neither here nor even true representations of what was.
Those flowers...beautiful roses.
Deep, vivid red.
My middle name, although few know that.
And all I can hope is that my butt isn't that big.
Shadows, cold. Flat. No ability to appreciate scent. No color.
The sun. Warmth. Depth and texture. Brings scent to a fuller level, explores and enhances color.
Negative thinking, negative focusing, blocks the light. It shadows what is there.
I do know that at times our eyes simply cannot tolerate the light...we have to choose the process of becoming accustomed to it.
Take my hand. I'll watch your steps while you learn to live in the light. I want nothing more than for you to feel the warmth of life's sunshine on your face, through your spirit, in your heart.
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Just came on the radio at work...
It always hits me someplace very deep, this song. I feel it, literally, in my core, always have. I've never known why, and I've never shared that.
Labyrinth, Emilie Sande
Beneath Your Beautiful ~
Monday, October 28, 2013
Saturday, October 26, 2013
dancing...a few notes at the top. and a bakery clarification.
Even while enjoying the pounding beat, the climb and the drops, a part of me wished that I had just blasted the stereo at home. I really wasn't in the mood for a big crowd. Because, it was just all about the dancing.
Went dancing last night. It's been quite awhile since I've really, truly gone dancing. When the music is loud, I put on the reflective shades. wear whatever the hell I want, and dance.
It was great.
I wanted to get outside my head and forget about what's been worrying me, even just for a bit. I wanted to move. I wanted to ignore people. And I wanted to know that I was still okay.
The original plan was to go to a great spot in Tacoma and hear a cover band that has a good rep and following. But the sweet friend who was going to be there, and who had invited me, got called suddenly to take care of a mutual friend who's world began to crumble. I just couldn't quite bear the thought of sitting at home, so quick juggle of plans and the wave was surfed successfully. We would hit the club we like in Seattle...a "gay" club, although most folks there are quite straight. Especially on a Friday, it turns out. Not that it matters at all. Gay men dance great and have no interest in anything else from me. Super safe.
My usual MO is to never make eye contact. In a club, if you do, you invite interaction and it isn't always easy to end interaction after a song is over. It's easy with the sunglasses on. Tonight, I danced until I forgot. I moved. I ignored, but the club was full of grabbers...fortunately, they were easily rubbed off onto someone else.
I don't usually mind dancing with someone, as long as they take No for an answer when I'm done. It's really nice when it's just the old kind of "hey, let's just move and groove here beside each other". But, like I said, most tonight were the grabbers. Also, most were middle eastern. Just something that I've noticed, they treat American women as something to use, to dominate. BUT, tonight they were also easy to get rid of.
Because I didn't want to dance with any of them. I did, in the usual perverse ways of a woman, want to know that they wanted to. So that was okay. But, no thanks...and go away. Which they did. And when it got to that witching hour, when it all starts getting weird, I left.
And I've fallen asleep a few times while putting this up here. I'm really glad that my shift at the bakery got canceled at close of shift last night, otherwise I'd be getting up now to go in. I'm bummed that we're back to that messing around again, with the schedule, just at the time that it's supposed to be adding hours, but there it is. Nothing to do but do what you can to make changes happen. And so I am, as best I can.
Last Saturday at the farm...hopefully not too crazy. Just crazy enough.
Friday, October 25, 2013
and in the light of day
This place gets my emotional dumps, the things that I will not put on any real person. If I can't keep it in and find the avenues for it to process that way, if physical working doesn't help, if singing doesn't help, if running like a fire and tramping through the woods doesn't help, it comes here.
I learned a long time ago the difference between being silent and seething and knowing myself. I do not seethe silently. I don't hold things in and explode later. If it matters enough, i will bring it up. If I recognize that it isn't just my emotional woman/dreamer/doer self being over tired, confused, etc, I will bring it up. Calmly. I will not fight. To fight is to attack, advance, to conquer. I used to be told that to be flexible was a bad thing, that it meant that I had no true stand of my own. I struggled with that for awhile, wondering if it was true.
It isn't.
I understand that there are times, and issues, that I will not back down on. They aren't personal attacks at all. Abuse. It's wrong. Slavery. Wrong. Killing without extreme provocation. Wrong. And it goes on and on. My intent is not to spout a Teri's 10 Commandments. Everyone has their own pile of non-negotiables.
But what I also learned is that I do not consider myself the vat of information. I'm a sponge. Eager to hear, to learn, to examine sides of things that maybe i haven't seen. I'm not afraid to do that. Maybe my mind will blow over a concept or vision I hadn't anticipated. Maybe I'll look at it and think...mmmm...nope. My mind is my own. My heart, emotions, get all worked up and into a flame, but my mind has a strong rudder on it through that storm. I get quiet and it worries people, I should be reacting more quickly. I'm thinking. That information is sifting through the coin sorter in my head, through the filters and into a base of "what this is really about and how I want to approach it", and it happens fairly quickly. Still enough of a stall for others to think I'm angry, or whatever.
I'm not.
I rarely get angry, truly angry. Serious, in a heartbeat.
So. Yes, last night was tough. A hug from kid and a cat curled with me in a blanket, tears off to sleep, knowing that morning brings rest of a sort, and more clarity. I know that I will heal from things, and that is always the first step in anything. Ouch, this hurts. Yep. You've been here before, kid. You know the drill. Feel the ouch, see the ouch, examine from all angles...if it hurts too much to move it, sleep. There's no hurry. What is meant to be in your life, will stay in your life.
What wants to leave, you must let it.
So, in the light of day...
I'm okay.
With whatever comes.
Thank you, blog.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Family, with edits. Per the usual. :)
and yet again
Head and the heart. Winter song.
Looking forward to seeing them in December.
depeche mode. I Feel You.
I love to dance with this song. Feel the sound, moving slow, low, long. Take your time, there's no hurry. Just let it show you where to be inside of it.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Tonight...edits already
In the cold.
The fog.
The night.
Patsy. Video included, not just link.
I wish I could find a real, solid love song from her...there must be one. Right?
One of my favorites of hers:
Guitar man. Bread. and thoughts.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Depeche Mode
I'm also a huge Depeche Mode fan. I figure, if you really like 85% of what a band, or person, puts out, then you're a fan.
Read nothing into this. Just let the music run through you and move.
However. That said...
There are times when the posts will mean something. And I suppose I'm the only one who'll know that. So you just sit back and enjoy.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Ralph Waldo Emerson
I like Emerson. I would have liked to have an afternoon with him, I think we would have gotten along quite well.
As much as I like his writings, and as many of them as I have read, I haven't noticed this one before. I don't know isn't as though I didn't understand it. I do. I understand it quite well.
It's profound in many ways.
Of course we all know that it takes courage to do something new, to pass through a doorway into a room unknown. What's in there, where's the lightswitch, are there even lights to turn on? Is there a way out, is there air to breathe...what are the risks? All unknown. Fear of the unknown is a great inhibitor of action. Yet, it's also easier to put aside, to focus straight ahead and move into and through.
The known, however...can have an even greater power of inhibition over our ability to act.
Being a parent. You do it once, you know what's coming up. It isn't easy. You do it the second time, the third, etc. Of course you go through that door, you'd never not do it. It's a tough gig, and you'd not trade it for anything. Most times. Some nights, a stiff drink would be a happy trade. Just kidding. Kinda.
Been thrown from a horse? Get back on. The same horse. The same saddle. Take the same ride.
Love...or rather, heartbreak.
You get the idea.
We do what we have to do to bring around the result we need, or want badly enough, to have. That's what we do. Maturity teaches us to sacrifice peace of the moment for security, comfort, growth and wisdom of tomorrow. The first time we go back to the doctor for shots when we're little..the dentist, whatever. We learn that we'll live through the unpleasantness, and we learn ways to cope with that moment of difficulty. That's a skill we need our whole lives. It's a skill that serves us more completely than almost any other.
Way to be, Emerson.
It's why I keep trying.
Norah Jones - The Long Way Home
Didn't even find it at Tower Records.
But Peaches, right next to NB I-5 at the 45th St exit in the U District...they had one used copy of it.
Heaven's lights shone down around me at that moment.
It was a good day.
a goal. a journey. a triumph...a struggle.
I'm not sure if I've had this in here before. At any rate, it's been awhile and it's changed.
I never really know how to bring it up.
I'm almost 49 yrs old. I feel like it shows, and I'm okay with that. Really, I am. I run, walk miles, lift weights, box the bag(not well, but properly), honestly have really good abs thanks to modified pilates lifts and hundreds of crunch routines twice a day, believe it or not. If you've seen me, you may not believe that. That's okay.
Like most people my age, I certainly haven't come through those years unscathed, physically. My arms have burn scars. My legs are marked. My face is lined. I have 2 daughters and I have stretch marks. But more, and there doesn't seem to be a thing that I can do about it. It's also something that I'm not okay with but have to find a way to be.
About a decade ago I became very sick. We didn't know what was going on. Cancer was ruled out, many tests were run on many systems. It was determined to be an auto-immune situation, but we were looking at MS or Lupus in particular.
The good news was no MS. No Lupus. And no cancer.
Still, I could hardly walk. I could barely move freely. My metabolism was a mess. I was eating nothing and gaining weight, largely due to not being able to move, I imagine. Especially since I've always always been extremely active and have a low metabolism likely due to severe crash diets when I was young.
We've all seen the magazine covers of people who've lost weight. It's awesome! They've done great, and I'm so proud of these people that I don't know.
I hope this comes out right...this is why I don't bring it up...
It's a great accomplishment to lose 25-30 lbs. Or 50. Even 80.
There are some who've lost 100, and can you even imagine? That's 2 grain bags of weight.
Think about 3 of those. Or carrying 4 of them around, on top of your own regular weight.
Load them on a pallet, one of the solid ones made with real 2x4's.
Skin does crazy things. It stretches.
It doesn't always shrink back completely. It comes damn close, but...maybe it does, over time. Maybe a long time.
There are herbs and oils, vitamins that help. Tea Tree, or Melaluca, is very good. Mineral oil, not so much, it burns the skin and I believe the thought is that the irritation causes a reaction. Vitamin C is good, Green Tea cleanses are helpful. One note, all of these things help tremendously with Fibromyalgia, which is what it was finally determined that my auto-immune issue is. I do know that I've discussed that issue here. It's a condition that has a range of symptoms and severity. I have almost all of the pressure points, not just the common ones used in diagnosis, but also the more remote and rarely seen. Mine is in "remission" (my use of the term, I'm fairly certain that it doesn't actually apply), has been for a few years and spot flares are treated with all of the above, plus a severe control of sugar and large addition of protein and caffeine. WebMD, eat that.
It's an issue for me. Being intimate with someone, can't hide it. Or the deflated boobs. I hate that also. And the fear of rejection. That's huge. I always hope that someone in my life will understand and see the victory in it all.
There it is. I try very very hard to emphasize my strong points. I love being a woman. I take care of my body. I do have really good abs, and butt and legs and cut arms, but there is the skin that can hide those things. Feel me, however, and it's easy to know, it's all right there. That's NOT a general open invitation, haha. I don't talk about it, although maybe that would help. There's a particular look that comes across people's faces and I hate it. I also don't want the praise. I hate the memories of that particular time in my life, the illness and the physical issues. Not even someone talking to me about "taking off a few pounds for the holidays", or even when someone will suggest that I think about "losing a few" (which is rude in the first place, imo, but that's women for you...sorry girls) can get me to bring it up. I just smile, mouth only, and thank them for their concern.
And I know what my body would look like without it there. I remember that much, very well, and I miss it. I'm short but things are generally, or were, in the right amounts in the right places. I did more research in the past few weeks and have a new creme put together that I'm using. Wish me luck.
Okay. I'm done, I think. It's a journey in my life. One that's brought me trials, strengths, control to keep from flinging back into anorexia and bulimia (I'm extremely EXTREMELY happy to report that I have beaten that. I truly have, thank you modern therapy) joys and the struggle to accept myself about something that I have a great loathing for.
I did the rest on my own. I'll conquer this struggle as well. It just hurts a bit more.
A thought...edit with quote to complete.
I'm good at loving and accepting others, I've got that down fairly well these days...and it's easy for me to do. I see what they may call faults or weaknesses in themselves evidence of a life lived, experiences had, lessons learned or being learned, love shared, love given, taken, lost...simply being delightfully, wonderfully, beautifully human.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Howlin For You
Great music to bake by. Well, the standards are awesome also. And Loreena McKennitt. And Bluegrass. ..
But this is what we had today.
And the customers don't mind if we sing and dance, as long as we're happy about it.
Mental notes
Email list:
Dan re: data entry position. Details. Renton. Not a dream job but my dreams aren't wrapped in that. Paycheck.
Scott/Kate/Alicia re: Daughter hanging with them for another smidge, soon as I can work the travel details. *note: travel companion sought.
Follow up resume with new references added.
Update LinkedIn profile. Again.
Send consult request to N Jones re: sale vs rental of this house given the season. Rental preferred at this point for timing but which is best for long-term. Will do property management, discuss again.
Return new msgs received re: CL items for sale.
It's time.
Back to work.
Black Keys. Everlasting Light
Great song. I really like Black Keys. This one is pretty cool live.
songs of a certain temper ~ just a few, by no means all.
Friday, October 18, 2013
thinking of close people today. a friend who's cousin died in the night. a friend who's husband left but is returning home on monday. a friend scheduling surgery today.
someone very special taking an important test today.
off to work now. distracted a bit but that's okay. sending many good thoughts south at 1:30.
I know this won't make sense to anyone. I just need to say it. it makes sense to me.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
It's been a short bit. I need to go dancing in the worst way.
House, stairs in particular, is my club tonight.
But this one...
Just have to dance it out.
(I don't dance like she does...just btw)
He ain't heavy. He's...and edits.
My sister and niece are back in Ohio right now, visiting old spots and such. We were all born in Ohio, my siblings in Kent and Cleveland, myself in Akron.
I've written about us before but as a brief recap:
We have different dads, they and I. Will is the eldest (now 69), then Jim, John and my sister brings up the rear of their group. They each have the birth order characteristics, very distinctly, just to mention. People often expect me to have the "baby" personality, but from the age of 5 I was on my own in the sibling pool. Just a btw.
Will, the practical one, CPA. Married twice, first one over a decade and the 2nd 28 yrs and still going, 2 kids + 2 step, army, Vietnam. Colorado boy for most of his adult life.
John, the baby of the boys. Teacher, musician/songwriter, lawyer, pilot. Air Force, Vietnam. Married first for about 10 yrs, 2nd was for a wkend, been in a long term relationship for many years now, 2 sons (3, actually but I'm unclear on his feelings currently regarding the 3rd), ski bum Colorado boy as well.
The 2nd son. Sensitive, cynical, honest, hard-working. Artist. His line drawings are amazing but the pastels and watercolors aren't bad either. At all. Army. Vietnam. Married to Marie, a strong lovely woman, for most of my life...probably about 47 yrs, his son made me an auntie at my ripe age of 3.
Jim is the one that I identify with the closest of my brothers. Jim is also the one that I do not have a relationship with. My father did a huge amount of damage to Jim. None of us made it out unscathed, but of their group Jim was the one most negatively impacted, at the same time in his life that Vietnam happened, which took parts of him...and he admittedly can't separate me from my father. My journey was very different and much longer obviously, the lessons learned are always interspersed throughout my writing.
So, I love him from here and count him as my family. Accepting that he can't have me in his life was an epiphanic moment for me. If this isn't a word, it needs to be. Because that's what it was. Maybe I'm spelling it incorrectly, I'll check later.
My sister posted a photo yesterday of her with Jim and Marie. So amazing. I haven't seen him or a picture since our mom's funeral in '98. We talked then and promised it wouldn't be another 25 yrs.
He had a major heart attack earlier this yr, but looks GREAT.
2 days ago I found my saved link to this page that he consented to work with.
He's an amazing fellow.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
K. I LIKE being a woman. I really, really do. :)
But whoever put this hormone clause into things needs a swift shutdown and has some explaining to do.
Anything that has me crying at the owl cupcakes at work, dealing with a headache bad enough to make me want to pop my head open, and freaking out just needs to go away.
I'm relieved. It helps me deal with things more clearly.
Dave Brubeck
Couldn't keep that. Feeling far too exposed.
Here ya go. One of the best things ever.
You're welcome.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Kula Shaker
Hush ~
Off for an 11 hr day. Cold! And our ipod at work is awol, stocking up before I go.
Man, I'll be glad when October is over.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Not the big stuff, like earthquakes, floods, reality, I find that most people are NOT frightened by the thought of those happening. They are completely out of our hands, and as much as we try to project ahead and into the situation, the truth is that we won't know how to handle things or what will need to be handled until we are actually there. Okay, now I can hear someone reading this and saying, "Oh, trust me. The thought of those concerns me greatly". True, some live in mortal terror of these things. That's why I wrote that MOST people are not frightened, to the point of obsession, about them. I stand by that thought.
So what are the things that frighten you the most?
What are you afraid of? Things that might happen, things you might do, things that won't happen...?
Some things are basically the same from person to person. Most are very specific to someone.
What are mine? In my life I've had a few. I worried that I would be homeless, until I was. I worried that I would lose a child and not know where they were...until it happened. I worried that I would lose my family, and then I did. Those were the things that mattered the most, that truly worried me the most. I've been poor, I've been hungry, I've been hurt, I've been terrified of losing my mind...and a few of those above events seriously had me wondering if I had...
What I learned through these things is that my mom was right.
She always used to say, "whatever happens, it's ok".
Not happy, necessarily. These things are not fun things. They aren't welcomed things. They aren't peaceful things.
But they are ok. I learned that keeping myself right in the moment of life that I'm in gives me what I need to know how to move my foot that one tiny step. And the next moment gives me that next step, that next knowing.
This is all simplified, but knowing how to be in a moment and move into the next is very, very OK. And we get to the places that are easier, more peaceful, where happiness is.
So. What frightens me now?
Losing my girl to choices out of my control. I have all the self talk that I need to work through those feelings, but there they are. I'm a mom. My girls are a physical part of me and because of some ways that I am, they are more than that. I don't think I'm unusual, most parents are that way, tied to their children in a "cosmic" sense. Stuff happens, we know. Anyway, that's another post, another time.
Nobody likes the thought of being homeless or broke or sick and not able to take care of ourselves, but those things aren't what I'm including here.
Not a fear, but I worry about being misunderstood.
A fear...admitting a fear.
From "We Bought A Zoo"...
“You know, sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage, just literally 20 seconds of embarrassing bravery, and I promise you something great will come of it.”
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Tonight, my girl came home. Tonight, a most darling, beloved friend shared most beautiful news. Tonight, that same daughter left the house for a drive with the boy that has always filled her heart. Tonight, I recognized and remembered a truth about my former spouse that fills me with relief in the identifying. Tonight, I know that I can sleep late tomorrow. Tonight... with the relief and happy emotions I feel from others literally coursing through me as streams of bright and brilliant energy, bringing a catch to my breath and an ache in my heart, I open an envelope from my precious niece...
Below is a picture of what I found inside.
This is your time.
Your time to say what you have kept silent.
Your time to ask big questions without apology.
Your time to shine like a blazing comet, whether they like it or not.
Your time to believe what your heart tells you: that this world could be very different.
Your time to live by your rhthyms, and teach them to the world.
Your time to nurture your village back to health.
Your time to show the world what it has been missing.
Your time to show the world the other half of itself.
~Tara Sophia Mohr~
And I cannot stop the tears.
It IS time. For all of us.
Applies to many, many things in my life ~ places, events, people, emotions. Both past, present and future. I love to dance to it. To sing with it. It's one of those that sits deep inside of me and I feel it there from the opening beat to the final fade...and beyond.
And now, I'm off to pick up my girl from the airport.