Friday, December 20, 2013

for many things

A cd that I choose to have playing when meditating, writing, working...many things. I prefer to have it on when giving a massage. What I learn from feel, what I receive through touch and can return when clear and focused is much. And so I am very careful.  

I lose who I am in these sounds, waves of emotion caught in wind and scent of earth and sea. I clear my mind easily and move from my heart and core of my body, feeling the energy build and pull, pulsing through me and into all parts, out my hands, eyes, mouth. 

It's a place of knowing many things that words can't be put to, known only in feel and spirit. 
A place where the mind that begs for words of intellect will fail to know...they must close their thoughts and let it be know to them, through touch alone.

I often say, to those who ask, no, I need no drugs. So many things in life to suffer from if the control and quieting of the mind is not learned. It was learn. Or die. So I chose to be taught.Things taught to me long ago on a hill in a mountain's shadow ~ and even further back, in dark rooms with only the moon's light for comfort and protection. 

Yes, that mountain. She knows me. 

Look in my eyes and follow me in, as I lead you out. No fear. Just trust. 

It's nothing strange. Nothing odd. It's ancient. And very real. 

I only go into this meditative state when someone else is around if I'm prepared for them to see all my cards, to know all that I am feeling, for it's a place where all walls and guards are down. I am completely exposed. 

Trust, that trust. It runs both ways. 

Enjoy ~ 

Loreena McKennitt
The Book of Secrets
(full album)

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