Tuesday, December 24, 2013

It's a Wonderful Life

Granted. It's a long movie.
Granted, it's often thought of as cheesy.
Granted...I used to think that.
But the truth is, it's hard to watch for alot of people.
It isn't a pretty movie, overall. 
It's main character is a dreamer, a doer. He's got plans and he wants so very much to have a chance to make them come true. Frustrated at every damn corner, straight line and breath, he reminds us each of ourselves.
The dreams we had to say good-bye to.
The plans that we didn't want to have to make.
The time after time after time that we took the high road, because we will, and lost out on something that looked like a magical opportunity. 
The blessings in our lives that are so incredibly beautiful but that we can't see because our eyes are filled with the far-away glitz of an exploded sun.
That's George.
He's happy, in many respects.
And desperately unhappy in many others.
Until one night, when he has lost all hope. Remember hope? 
So in his desperation, feeling that all would be better if he weren't around, he jumps from the bridge into the icy river, intending to end his life.
We learn later that his attempt is actually successful, except that he's been held in suspension, pending a viewing of truth, not his perception, and the choice that he makes after.
George learns what we all need to remember. 
None of us lives without impacting the lives around us, known or not. Hopefully, that impact is for the better, even the tiniest little throw away moments to us can have profound effect on the others.

My friends, my family...
you bless my life. 
There's no monochrome in my life with you, every color, every color, in every depth, you bring to me.

I love you all dearly. 
More than you can every know. 
Enjoy the movie, if you choose, and please know that your living makes my life most wonderful.
Thank you.

It's a Wonderful Life
James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore
Directed by Frank Capra

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