Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Best laid plans fall aside when the subject gets chilled.

There are two times a year, at least, when I am freezing. It lasts about a week, and no matter what I do, I can't get warm for very long. I mention it because this time it is being disruptive.
Actually, this round started 2 wks ago when daughter was pulling her nonsense, hiding the things I knew about, had asked about. I'd be fine, then I'd begin to shake. I know that in my panic days I would run hypoglycemic, not to the point of medications, but close management.
Right now I'm buried in bed under blankets, in shirts, sweaters, socks, thermals, fuzzy pants, hat, after having run up here from a long enough visit to the fireplace to stop the quaking down to mere shaking. It hurts. Wth. I don't get it. And I don't like it.
I had things to do tonight, but I can't sit at the desk. I tried, all wrapped up. That's the stuff that frustrates me. Is it a reverse menopause thing? I know that im technically in that state, from my hormone levels at the last pap, but I rarely, if ever, have hot flashes...usually only when it's just freaking hot and everybody is feeling it.
I'm not rail thin, although if my skin were tight like it should be I'd be a 0-2 in my jeans, a 2-4 in everything now. So, there's padding, which I wish wasn't but oh well. It's not because of.that, then...I admit to typically consuming about 900 ca a day, adding weight work and.cardio. I.feel great every other moment excpet.these. One week in the fall,.one in early spring.
Ah, beginning to warm a bit more now. I had tea, juice and vitamins about 20 minutes ago...just kicked off the socks.
Rough night at work. Lots of folks owed back taxes and the irs takes that first...angry people, I think more scared than anything else. It doesn't get to me, but it's frustrating to deal with. Shaking started then.
Had a talk, well, made a few comments, to the girls' dad about the workload he's pulling. His first marriage ended because of his emotional and.physical.absence.due to work...she left. Ours fell to shit in part due to.the same, but it was his inability to be a part of.the unit of "us". He's doing the same thing now. I'd sure like for his first shot at a culturally similar relationship last. Strange trip, counseling the ex on how to stay married to the woman he left me for.
Ah. Warmer. Still shaking,  but it isn't visible. Hungry now. Quick bite, quick.sleep. I open that shop in the morning.
And drat it. Those things to send must wait another day.

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