Thursday, January 12, 2012

War with Iran?

I most certainly hope not.
That would be disasterous beyond comprehension.
I have a history with the culture and did a great deal of in-depth research and study on the workings of the society, the modes and methods of being...because I lived with it for 2 decades.
With my western mind I struggled beyond belief to understand and to internalize the thinking so that I could better understand the differences and difficulties that I was encountering.
Without any bragging or arrogance at all, I do know that I have always been able to put myself in an objective place and see situations from many angles. This has given me an edge when it comes to dealing with people and situations that are not commonplace and may be considered unique...or difficult.
In this case, I was able to catch a glimpse of where I was trying to go, but never quite able to truly grasp the vision.
To over simplify a few points:
Western minds are not able to understand the Middle Eastern mode of thinking, and vice versa. What we do and why we do it is not understood , period. I'm not going to go into depth here, because I do know that I have visitors from overseas in here. The same is true in reverse.
And Iran has been planning for a move against them by us for many, many, many years. It's a set-up. And it looks as though we may be moving straight into it.
This is the point in the movie where everyone is screaming NO!
I am putting a link to an opinion article here. Read it and see what you think.
If you want to talk more about this, and I'm completely open to that and all opinions, provided only that you understand that I am going to be honest with what I feel but respectful and will require the same in return, then by all means feel free to contact me. I always welcome discussion. On any of the topics here. Anytime. 

Feeling a great deal of concern at the moment over this. Not worry or stress, but concern. I can see things playing out and it is wrong to do. Inevitable? Perhaps. I hope not.
(if, for any reason, you can't get the link to work...either by clicking or copy/paste, it's on

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