Monday, January 30, 2012


Haven't really posted anything for a bit.
Getting used to the new job has definitely been a challenge for me. The work itself isn't hard, taken in bite size pieces and being allowed to chew...
but that hasn't been how it's gone down.
It's already peak season for taxes and stuff is flying fast and furious. I had 2 training sessions, one block after hours to get the lay of the land(which changed)and another during a quiet time of open hours. There were several things that couldn't be duplicated, but talked about only and then making some attempts at visualization. Btw, that's a bit fruitless when you have no idea what it is you are visualizing!
At any rate, it's been pretty stressful for me. I've made mistakes and felt completely over my head, one thing I hate doing and one place that I hate being!
After last Friday, which was awful, I was sure that there was no way that I could do this job. I wasn't going to give up, but I couldn't say whether or not they were going to give up on me.
So...after a bad night's sleep, worrying about going in again, I went to work yesterday(Sunday). Got there a bit early to get into the groove before my shift actually started, which was a moot point as they had been letting people in for an hour already. Sigh, I thought. Here I go again.
At some point during the day, we were crunched again. Several people coming in the door, multiple phone lines ringing, payments needing made, preparer's with questions hovering around...and I managed it. I didn't blow the terminal up, lose a payment, drop a phone call, annoy a client in front of me or irritate a preparer.
Yeah, so...that's my big news.
Oh, and that I've picked up another 4 hours a week through Feb. :) I need it! YAY!
That's all.

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