Thursday, November 21, 2013

another version...of what love is.

Truly, love is not only seeing the good in someone. That's part of it, of course...but it's so much more. It's seeing them at their worst, their ugliest, their most foul and vile...because we all are...and loving that as well. Hopefully we don't live in those places of negatives. 
It takes someone who truly loves us to know that. To see outside of that. To see our struggles, to know that those things aren't the US that is in us, to believe in our best and to help us bring that out. 
I've had a terribly hard day for me. 
And right now, I'll be honest, I'm fucking drunk. 
3 full shots of whiskey, thrown straight and hard, which is how I do it...
But these words are not drunk words. 
These words are wrung from my heart. 
From my lessons learned. 
From what I have always believed to be true. 
Love is, as it says, patient.
Love is, indeed, hard. 
It IS pain.
But it is done from a different place inside of us. 
It comes from the noblest of all spots...
our hearts.
Not ignored by our heads, 
because that is where the choice is made to let the heart do as it desires.
Truly, love is both the head and heart. 
Real love, that is.
I choose to love.
And then I let myself love.
That...right there.
Is what love should be.
When I choose to love you...when I LET myself love you...
There is nothing that will change that. 

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