Tuesday, November 19, 2013



There are places of darkness in my mind
Where I cannot remember
Places of pain
Best forgotten.

I will leave them. 
They cannot hurt me anymore. 
Nor I them. 

There is peace.

I found this tonight while going through some papers and sorting such, putting some up into a new file on the computer. I do remember writing it, now, but I had, oddly enough, forgotten about it. 

Despite a few superficial efforts at memory retrieval, they want to remain locked. And it's best that way, I am sure. I've learned to compensate for blank spaces of time, often now simply saying that I have holes in my memory and leaving it at that.

The spirit knows what it can handle and what it cannot. That's my story. I remember plenty, so what wants to stay away most likely should.

The main point is that "they cannot hurt me anymore"... and "there is peace". Because there is. 

I'm good with that. 

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