Monday, May 9, 2011


So, I had a friend in a situation read over my last post. The question came up over whether or not I am being honest with myself in regards to my feelings.

I think it's a fair question.

The answer is, I'm not sure. And I'm not happy that I'm not sure.

I figure that part of my life is over. I had my shot, and it was an epic fail all the way through. I don't expect to ever find that in my life at this point in the game. I wouldn't be against it, not at all. I just simply can't see anyone caring for me in that way, especially not now that I'm "old". And in this case, I am certain there is no interest and no availability. So, I am going to stop analyzing anything right here and now and just let it lie as is.

At least I didn't make a fool out of myself. I hope...

Maybe I am happier with just pen/paper or computer screen. Feedback sucks in this case.

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