Friday, May 3, 2013

How can it be, that there are so many people working their lives away and still few of us are getting "ahead" of anything? We work multiple jobs, we work to make enough money to try to live on, forget about trying to bank an excess. We go to school when we're younger, we study, we train, we work...then life happens, usually for us women, we leave the workplace, we cook, clean, care for a husband and his life, for children...then we find ourselves struggling to find a place to be in that outside work world once again. Now, our training is obsolete, but given the chance we could quickly get back up to speed. Trouble is, employers are looking for younger people quite often. So. Off to those multiple jobs, whatever we can find, adding up the hours, juggling and stressing between the places working together(which in my world, this week, they are not and I'm here in bed trying to get to sleep but worrying almost literally sick over the juggling and conflicts), minimum wage and unbelievably grateful that there is work of any kind at all. 
No medical coverage, that's disappearing in this country, soon to be replaced by "Obamacare"...a terrible situation, designed, I am certain, at eliminating our receipt of any income tax refund. But that's another story. It's a subject I'd like to have conversations about, I learned so much and caught some frightening glimpses while working at HR this past season. Where was i? Right. No medical, and being the age that I am and having a few minor things that need watching, I only know that I can't afford to be sick, or injured, at all. No sick leave, or vacation. No retirement. From what I can see, if I stop and look ahead that far, which I generally don't because it looks pretty bleak and things change everyday, is that I'll have to simply keep the harness on and drop in the traces someday. 
I'm not afraid of hard work. I've worked hard my whole life and it's a friend of mine. I worry about not being able to keep it up for 20 more years at the pace that I push it now. 
But, that's looking too far ahead. Just need to focus on the now, the today. Tomorrow will take care of itself. 

A curious thought, what happened to Iran in the news? Election over, poof. No Iran anywhere to be found. It's still there, that I know. Interesting. 

Wish me luck with the jobs and the juggling and appeasing of both, please. 

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