Friday, December 30, 2011

warning...this is a disgruntled post...language may fly ~ pass on by at will

you know, i try SO DAMN HARD to keep an even keel and not let shit get to me, coz you know what? It's just shit and it's gonna be gone, so it's not worth getting worked up over in the big picture...
but tonight, i have frickin had it.
Tonight, I am NOT okay with hanging around, with waiting and seeing, with all the surfing analogy shits that I always try to hang on to and use for perspective.
Tonight I am breaking the damn surfboard over the head of the effing shark and telling it to go fuck itself.
Wait and see? Poke your GD eyes out, idiot.
Hanging around? Sure, dude...give me the fricken rope and let me help you with that fricken noose.
Perspective? Screw it.
Time for something, ANYthing, to see this sucking crap MY WAY.
and spinning my wheels.
Freaking SUCKS
so pissed.
and you know what????
If nobody comes in here and reads this, which they won't, because nobody ever does, so it's my own personal journal and I can write what i need to, THEY WILL NEVER KNOW THAT THIS IS HOW I AM FEELING TONIGHT.
I am just THAT good.
wanna punch something...
and then cry
So annoyed, can't even think of a song...or find one. THAT'S seriously in the shit zone.
If you are reading this, suggest one for me.


Kimberlypaints said...

Hmmmmm. . .i have no idea why the first song that popped into my mind was Sheryl Crowe's Leaving Las Vegas. do you?! This is the first time I realized that you have a blog and this is the first post of yours that I've read. I love it! and you, too! xoxo

Kimberlypaints said...

OK. So I looked up the lyrics and I'm pretty sure they don't fit the mood, per se. But it IS one of those songs that make me think of a strong woman who can walk away with grace and with her head held high, knowing when it just wasn't in the cards, and it's time to move on. So maybe it's perfect, after all, eh?! ;-)

Teri said...

Absolutely crack me up!
Your first visit in and this is what you get to read, LOL.

Was just one of "those" nights, feeling worn down and tired of trying. It doesn't happen often, but when it does it's generally a doozy...for an hour or so.

Song works! Thanks SO MUCH for thinking of one and sharing it with me. That means TONS. :)

Love you like crazy~