Sunday, November 4, 2012

Just an ordinary day of simply living ~ EDITS

Chronicle of today (in retrospect, so...)
12 AM

*Watched episode 4 of Ken Burns' The West
*Made a list of what needed done today
*Fell asleep (right??) - on couch due to paint fumes in room
*Woke up, sent text to daughter 2 to remind her to sleep, and text to friend...i think...(4 AM or 5, depending on when you changed your time)
*Changed time on a couple clocks
*Let dogs out
*Drank water...i mention it coz it was ALOT of water. I had falled alseep with the heat on, which I never do.
*Woke up, 8:30
*Dogs out
*Made coffee
*Unloaded dishwasher, started load of laundry
*Ate breakfast...protein bar...what? They're good, actually. And vitamins. I take 'em all the freaking time. 
*Moving down the list, tackle garage. Well, parts of garage.
*Post a picture to a friend's wall, hoping it will be a boost.
*Drag bags of clothes into house to dump out and sort
*Remembered adapter cord I needed to look for, dug out box, FOUND IT!!! 
*Text friend who needs it to make arrangements to take it over
*Into house...
*Who the hell brought orange M&M's into this house????
*Ate them. It was a mercy killing. 
*Did 200 crunches, ran stairs 4 complete times, 200 leg lifts
*Let dogs out
*Continued with clothes sorting. 
*Messages with daughters while sorting, Thanksgiving dinner plans, clothes, plans for day
*Took pictures of boots for older daughter. 
*Let dogs in. 
*Saw facebook post of some wiseguys breakfast (looked GOOD), remembered to pull roast from freezer.
*Put roast in microwave to defrost
*Text from boss to check email regarding next schedule set
*Responded to posts on wall
*Checked email
*Much singing and dancing while doing this. House to myself so I didn't have to keep the volume down at all.
*Put schedule on calendar.
*Put roast in crockpot, chopped vegetables, added
*Cooked wild rice in squash...wild idea that if I blended the liquid with the squash and cooked the rice in it with seasoning then I could sneak some extra stuff into daughter's came out really great and she ate it, so I call it a success!
*Got 2nd text from boss, reminder to respond to email. Responded.
*Sent more emails regarding costumes from theatre company I used to work with that are still here. 
*Dinner underway, back to clothes.
*Sorting (there were about 10 bags, yeesh).
*Changed laundry around. 
*Realized I needed some boxes for these clothes. Bags for ones being offered to older daughter.
*While searching for boxes I found old Avon papers, empty boxes
*Made pile of boxes to save for moving
*Found a couple to use for clothes
*Brought more projects in
*Changed music channels
*Counseled friend
*Counseled 2nd friend
*Cried a little...just wanted a hug and a pat on the head with a "there there" attached to it(it's a girl thing...we need these things...or we go to chocolate, if you like. Other things if you don't)
*Switched more laundry. Folded load, put away.
*Cleaned catbox. 
*Swept floors.
*Loaded car
*Took garbage out
*Got cleaned up (aka, did hair, makeup, got changed)
*Left to pick up Mini from friend's house
*Turned Seahawks game on, and drove slowly...took the long way :)
*Got Mini
*Dropped off things found at a friend's house
*Headed north to take care of some business
*Lost control of the radio, doggone it. But Mini had good music to share, nice bonding.
*Notice the return of Snow Geese and Swans along the way
*45 miles later, can't get down street
*Street closed due to filming of commercial
*Park up street along river
*See how amazing river is, glad I brought multiple cameras along
*Walk down to place I need to be, go in, meet a verrrrry interesting person who didn't want to do what she was doing, were told to come back later, check game stats while waiting. Love our qb, don't care if people say he's too short. He sounds big over radio. :)
*Walk down street toward filming area
*Stop just outside filming area, talk with extras
*Take pictures of actors, have nice conversations
*Watch for a bit
*Answer texts from younger daughter's bf's mom
*Walk up hill back toward river
*Take pictures of very full, very swift Skagit River
*Walk uptown a bit, back down for different view of film area
*Pictures of band
*Head to mall to kill time while waiting
*Go through mall, see how many stores are shut down...Teriyaki place with big boat plates is still open, loved that. :)
*Head back to old theatre for business
*Get mini food
*Park on next block, walk to theatre. Almost dark now.
*Take care of business
*Leave, walk back toward film area to see what's up. 
*Take photos of common area along block.
*Packing up film area, so we turn and go back toward car.
*Awesome lighting on old theatre, stop to grab a couple pictures.
*WIND IS SERIOUSLY BLOWING - it always is up there anyway, but this was enough to actually stop movement during the gusts. Love it! Miss that!
*Back to car, answer texts from older daughter
*Head home
*Pain in the rear to drive, heading right into the wind
*Get into Marysville, stop at Redbox for Avengers movie
*Get movie, go home.
*Let dogs out
*Get changed
*Check laundry
*Dish dinner
*Send, answer msgs
*Eat dinner
*Clean kitchen
*Plan lists for tomorrow
*Listen to frog outside window.
*Went online, noticed previous post to friend ignored, message received, post removed. Okey dokey. I see. 
*Upload photos
*Work online
*Hug daughter awhile
*Dogs again
*Check on one kitty, she's calling oddly from upstairs
*Terrible small dog into crate, she ate a shoe
*Worked online more
*Called it a day for all that
*Switched stuff off
*Plugged in computer
*Came here, checked stats
*Listed this entry
*Slow to moderate day. 

Don't like the darkness coming early, not going to lie at all. Just get me past my birthday, get me to Dec 21 and the days start getting longer again. I DO like that it is lighter in the mornings right now, it's nicer to not leave in the dark at the start of the day. :)

Still ignored by other friend. Realize that I must not be a friend. Gotta let it go. 

Always hurts when people walk away, but it happens often enough I guess I should be getting used to it. Kind of sad heading off to bed, but do some meditating and refocusing and feeling better. :)

Ray Of Light

Have a good one
Until later

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