Thursday, March 20, 2014

sigh...and the elimination of the bizarre code language

Yes, I've always been told that I'm the strong one. In many ways, I am. But in many more... I'm not. I'm struggling right now. I'm worried about physically managing this upcoming drive, about getting things done, about taking care of the people I care about. And about not letting the struggle affect anyone else. Time to get up, and get the day begun. Sagittarius horoscope for Mar 20 2014 You do not like feeling vulnerable, Sagittarius. You have a tough, seemingly impenetrable exterior at times. Among those in your inner circle, you are probably thought of as the strong one. You may be secretly feeling rather vulnerable right now, and it's probably an uncomfortable feeling. But indulge yourself just a bit, and allow yourself to feel open to whatever is affecting you. If you do, you may discover something you really like about yourself once you get used to it, and it could soften your approach to your relationships and your outlook in general.

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