Tuesday, March 4, 2014


It's done.

A calm, peaceful morning. A quiet drive north. An understanding vet's office full of still familiar faces, a private quiet room ready. I held my girl, there was no struggle. No fear. She purred into unconsciousness. Stroking her cheek through the final breaths, feeling her pulse slow...stop...
Quiet words and moments alone.

As it should be.

A beautiful creature, a joyous life, a respectful and gentle ending.

I feel numb, but gathered.

A talk with daughter about the move. About plans. Air cleared. Peace, again, resting upon another place in life. And now, we move forward again.

There are places when the strength of those around us holds us together. There are times when our strength comes from standing alone. And then there are the journeys we must take ourselves, but not without the quiet support of those who care.

In these times, when my words fail me...please know what I cannot say.

And please, don't let my awkwardness do what it always has.

Now...on to work.

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