Wednesday, September 25, 2013

a silly something i've challenged myself to learn...

I've been working, sporadically, in my spare time, on learning this line dance from the remake of Footloose. If you follow this blog at all, then you know how much I love dancing. What i've discovered about myself is that I am more of a dancer rather than a choreography follower. I can take the individual steps and moves and put them together, but memorizing choreography is NOT my strong suit. My youngest daughter is the exact opposite, which is what actually made me think about this. She can learn choreography and perform it beautifully, but give her "free" time, nope. So, this is tough for me. That's part of the reason why I want to do this, because it's a challenge for me and i want to beat it. The other part is that it's just a cool dance, and I want to be able to do it. 
So, I have posted below the scene from the movie and then the tutorial that works best for me. 
I'm getting there. Heck, maybe I'll take a vid of my own self when I get it down and post that. Or maybe not. :)

Big and Rich
Fake ID

Fake ID 
Dance Tutorial

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