Sunday, September 22, 2013

A thought

If we take the position that the people that we need arrive when we need them, then it must be flipped into the other side as well... that we, also, are in another's life for a reason. If we accept that, we never leave until we've accomplished what we were there to do.
Sometimes we're there for the long haul, friend for life, lover...

Sometimes there is something specific that we can share to help another move through a particular passage of time in their life. 
Knowing when it's time to leave is the easy part... they let you know. Accepting that, however...
Comfort can come from knowing that whatever it was that I was there for has been achieved and that they now have tools to use and that all will be well with them...if they choose. It's important to not damage the good we've done.That would be such a waste.
And I leave enriched for the time together as well. If I look at things the right way and don't let hurt get in the way.
But, that said...I do admit that I much prefer it when the "staying" happens.
Just thoughts on a Sunday, the first day of Autumn 2013.

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