Friday, September 6, 2013

Damn right. And a few edits, now that I've had my shower and a tiny rest.

I'm so freaking tired tonight. I'm trying to take a shower but right now I'm just sitting in it because my legs are wobbly.
Pathetic. That's how I feel. Until I break down the day and see it. Then I feel even more tired than I am.'s been rough emotionally. There's been a small struggle to manage, but today has been a difficult one. Add very tired to that and it seems like a massive struggle.
I don't need a hero to swoop in and save me. Just sit by me. Hold my hand, hold my head... or me. Let me feel that I'm not completely alone and that will help me find what I need to keep going. I CAN do it, alone. I have for a long time.
But I want that touch. And that's ok. I'm tired of having common popular thought trying to shame people into being islands. I'm no island. 
I'm just saying that it's better to WANT someone or something than to NEED it. In my opinion. It's healthier, for everyone. It's more honest. More genuine.
So tonight. A sadness exaggerated by fatigue. A vague valley of lonely despair.
All will be well again.
Until then...

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