Monday, December 30, 2013


Daughter's boyfriend can't decide if he's "going" Christian or not. 

In the first place, just what the hell does that mean? Really?

Does it mean believing?

Does it mean going to church?

Does it mean living, by strict code and doctrine, some chosen religious dogma?

Does it mean all of the above?

Know what it seems to mean to alot of the people that I know?

It appears to mean that they will use IT as a shield behind which to hide while they spew hate and intolerance of gays, social help, other religions and those calling for moderation in most forms. 

Meanwhile, let's drink to excess, use any form of drug we can get our hands on,  have sex with anything that will stay still long enough regardless of our personal relationship status, lie, hide, cheat, steal and run our mouth 24/7. 


Done for the moment. Maybe should have warned you that it was a rant. 

Wait. Why? If you aren't that kind of person, you know it's true. If you are, here's a mirror. Don't like it? Change it. 

Back to work. 

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