Tuesday, December 3, 2013


What a day. And night. 
The day started early, and I found myself feeling with a grumpy me, for a bit, an issue easily relieved with a nap and a shower. My younger girl and I have a tradition of attending a large multi-band concert for our Christmas gift to each other, which starts early in the afternoon, so I needed to get things done and get myself jollied up. I did. 
A part of my grumpy state came from a conversation with a friend, who had informed me of the apparent fact that in some respects, I am "incredibly dense". 
They then refused to elaborate any further. 
Enter grumpy Teri. 
Enter spinning wheel.
Ok. I know that I'm not always the first one to get a joke...I have to not be distracted by things of a more serious nature, especially if I'm tired. 
And my memory does mess with me at times. 
But that's not dense.
I think, and I wish that they'd just tell me, that they are referring to boy/girl things. 
Dense? Maybe?
But I think that it's something else. 
in those cases it's more of the refusal to assume that is a part of me. 
Be it for good, or not...
I've never known what seemed obvious to others. 
I also don't really see the problem there, as far as a real problem is. I would say that there are things and places in life where assumptions can be made, but in matters where the heart is 
concerned, that simply seems to be a very unwise place to assume anything. 
But it seems to frustrate those around me. 
But they wouldn't tell me what or where it is that I'm "dense"...And it bugs me. 

So. The show was great. 
people...They go to these things and just sit there. 
When one of my favorite bands came on I looked at the kids around me, sitting there...And said "oh.Fuck it" and danced. The girls sitting to my right did a few "omigosh" es...but the boys to my left jumped up immediately and danced.hard.with me. 

In drafts, being worked on...
religion and current events, Iran and wth is going on, holiday thoughts and favorites, musicmusicmusic, especially soft and cheesy beautiful standards which always surround the other stuff I posted, and some  poetry ...

ah well..
time for sleep. 

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