Thursday, December 19, 2013


I saw this term today and had to look it up to see if it was real.
There are a few web references given, some are in relation to a racial slur, others to a type of drink, etc etc etc...and I was beginning to feel a little crestfallen that perhaps it wasn't real.
Until my brain kicked in and I decided to look under the real name, rather than the acronym.
The Society for the Prevention of Useless Gift Giving.
Started as an idea in 1911, by 1912 it had local chapters across the country and quite a following, including a President or 2.
I'm severely time crunched this week, so I'm posting 2 links that I chose. One is from Treehugger, and which does at times post dubious information, unfortunately. But I am also posting a piece from Slate, done last year on the 100th anniversary.
An interesting note, the multitudes of members each paid .10 in dues, which led to the funding of the country's first Community Christmas Tree Ceremony in New York's Madison Square Park.

For us, in this home, we buy a few things but concentrate either on experiences, which I've shared before and won't go into again (you're very welcome), gifts of self or things that matter and speak to something directly. I don't care what others do, no judgements. This is just what feels right for us.

I will confess...I do miss the days of excited small voices and the tree piled with presents. That was the same excitement as turning a kid loose in their favorite place or two for a moment. I still play Santa every year, we put the cookies and Reindeer snacks out, watch Polar Express as the midnight hour strikes, leave lights and candles burning. The 21-25 are magical days for me. I adore them madly and want to spend at least a moment of them with the people that I love. I can't be with them all, obviously, but I do in my heart. After Christmas, it's on to New Year's, which became my favorite time a handful of years ago. I'll post that another time. 
So, enjoy a trip back a hundred years, when Americans were fighting the great consumerism evil. Good old days often seem quite familiar, don't they?

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