Thursday, February 27, 2014


What a night.
Rough one for my miss Molly cat. I watch my critters, they always let me know when it's time for "that" trip to the girl told me during this night.
This will be rough.
I'll need someone to go with me, so that I'll have to hold it together until I'm where I don't have to hold it together. She's been a mom, almost. 20 years is a long time with my close companion. I don't remember her not with me.

And Dakota told us that he is heading back north this weekend, back home with his folks. The kids are very sad. He'll still be around for visits at times, but not here always. It's best, for him, and for that reason I'm glad. But I'll miss him. Very much. He's been a joy to have around. I've appreciated him for who he is.  So, tears, loud music, food and a forest of weed emanating from the room.

I knew yesterday morning that a change was imminent, in that situation.

Good news from older girl, bf still has a job. And always wonderful to sirens time with her.

Difficult question asked.

Open window night...and frog songs.

Now to focus on some sleep.

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