Saturday, February 22, 2014


Just stuff.
Much of life is stuff, be it good or bad or indifferent. Yesterday was a variety.

Work was good, slower so I was able to put the place to rights after the day before, which was, imo, 4 Wednesdays shoved into a Thursday.

Quick grocery trip to grab a couple things for a dinner for my very best girlfriend, who's got a tough thing to do today. We see each other all the time, but haven't had a moment to really talk and listen. Things in our lives aren't at places where that is acceptable, so.

Home to a disaster, threatened the young folk in the house who then, bless them, fixed it all. Cooked dinner, tossed out in the oven. I had some time left over and decided to be a girl.

You know, despite the hormones, the emotions, the trouble with jeans, bad hair days, I really do like being a girl. I like all the fluff and pink, soft and silly, silky, pretty, sparkly things of being a girl.

It's a good thing.

And I'm not a stalker. I'm simply observant at awkward times.

Anyway, it was a good night, dinner, ridiculous drinks, movies, much talking and hearing.
I think she's ready for today.

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