Wednesday, October 9, 2013

late night.

I gave the cats a bath. 
They are NOT happy, hence why I am still awake. Actually, they're cuddled around me, purring and shivering...and making certain that I don't sleep yet. I do need to, and soon. I have work at the farm and then a drive to the airport. My girl is coming home early, her father purchased a plane ticket and voila. I hope it's been enough time. I'm also a bit disappointed, she'll be on her own alot while I get the farm job finished up this month. That's not always a bad just depends on what is done with that alone time. 
Oh well. Out of my hands now, this timing thing. I'll figure it out. I always do.

Thoughts. These are just going to be random and plopped on here as they come up. 

Something about autumn always makes me want to cook. Sew. Knit. Crochet. I do crochet and I sort of sew...knitting can only happen on looms. My mum, as encouraging as she always was, tried to help me learn to knit. Once. When the needles went flying across the room more than once,  narrowly missing her one time, she calmly took them away and said "You don't knit". 

She's right. But on looms, I can knit anything. Without causing harm to anyone, including myself. :)
I love to garden. Dry foods, fruits, herbs, etc. I love to can. 
Prune trees. 
Grub in that veg garden and get it all ready to overwinter. 
Plant bulbs. Trim hedges. 

I enjoy cleaning the house. 

Instant gratification. 
Floors, dusting(not too often, it's an OCD trigger so I control the urge). 

I hate crunches. I do them daily, hundreds. But I hate them. 

I find it interesting when people begin protecting their space. I'm so aware of it, likely because I don't want anybody else's space and when that vibe starts up, I back out. Sometimes I wonder if maybe I shouldn't stand firm, especially lately. And especially where people are concerned. I've absolutely never competed in the realm of attention from anyone. Is that wrong? I've always figured, and I guess I do and shouldn't put it as a past tense, that if someone is in your life then it should be because they WANT to be, not because I grabbed on and wouldn't let go. there a point of being TOO hands off? Tell people how you feel. No, SHOW people how you feel. Don't say it or show it inappropriately, that's not okay. Do it enough so that you don't miss the opportunity. Good grief. Seems sort of like a perfect storm of something or other, doesn't it? Yes. It does. I just don't even know. For all of my years of being a girl, I still just don't seem to have some of these things down. Oh well. Let's just face it. What's a smallish, brown eyed redhead going to do when a tall, blue eyed blonde walks in? Yep. Sigh.

Moving on.

Things I've thought about being, when I grow up:

Continuity Editor
Proof reader, publishing house.
Rehab, equine/canine, something or other.

Places I've considered applying(no judgements, k?):

More libraries (done, actually)
Feed stores
Lover's (it'd be a kick...before it got gross)
Many, many other places :)

I love flowers.

And leather.
Low, low neck, high skirt dresses.
Jazz, Blues, Metal, Pop, EDM, New Age, STANDARDS...because I like to sing. All the rest because I like to move.
Dancing. All kinds.
Writing, poetry.
Sitting someplace and simply being quiet.
Holding hands.
Kissing. Definitely.

I have a "dirty" mind and a romantic's heart.

Question...what's "dirty" about sex? I've never understood that. What in the blazes is more normal and natural than sex, eating, sleeping, loving...?

K. Kitties are leaving me alone now.

I'm feeling sleepy ish.

Far tmi, I'm certain. Not quite certain if this is a fatigue thing or not. It may end up drafted. 

Gnite ~ 

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