Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Tonight, my girl came home. Tonight, a most darling, beloved friend shared most beautiful news. Tonight, that same daughter left the house for a drive with the boy that has always filled her heart. Tonight, I recognized and remembered a truth about my former spouse that fills me with relief in the identifying. Tonight, I know that I can sleep late tomorrow. Tonight... with the relief and happy emotions I feel from others literally coursing through me as streams of bright and brilliant energy, bringing a catch to my breath and an ache in my heart, I open an envelope from my precious niece...
Below is a picture of what I found inside.

This is your time.
Your time to say what you have kept silent.
Your time to ask big questions without apology.
Your time to shine like a blazing comet, whether they like it or not.
Your time to believe what your heart tells you: that this world could be very different.
Your time to live by your rhthyms, and teach them to the world.
Your time to nurture your village back to health.
Your time to show the world what it has  been missing.
Your time to show the world the other half of itself.

~Tara Sophia Mohr~

And I cannot stop the tears.

It IS time. For all of us.

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